A keystone of our cell therapy approach is safe, rapid and cost-efficient gene expression. Accordingly, we have developed a novel minimally-sized DNA vector platform called nanoSMAR which provides robust and persistent expression with an unlimited genetic capacity and a minimal impact on cell homeostasis through being non-toxic and non-immunogenic. Tcelltech has successfully tested nanoSMAR in a wide field of applications, including cell therapy, gene therapy and regenerative medicine.
In 2024 nanoSMAR will be validated in a clinical trial for cell therapy.
We are actively looking for licensing partners for all applications outside TCR cell therapies.
Tcelltech has developed an AI which identifies tumor-targeting T cell receptors (TCRs) within days.
As these TCRs are patient-derived, they show no off-target toxicity and are immediately available for cell manufacturing.
Our selecTCR has been validated in melanoma, colorectal, pancreatic, lung and brain cancer.
Cancer vaccines
Tcelltech has also developed peptide vaccines targeting the two most common mutations in incurable brain tumors (IDH1R132H and H3K27M).
Our IDH1 SCA-VAC has completed Phase I trial (32 patients, 21 grade 3, 11 grade 4), meeting both primary endpoints with very promising results. We are currently looking for licensing partners to bring IDH1 to Phase II trial.
Our H3 SCA-VAC is currently in Phase I trial. Our first patient was dosed in January 2023.
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